This study applies programme theory to analyse ways in which adaptation to climate change may emerge as a consequence of development polices, specifically by examining the case of rice production in Mozambique.
The case study indicates that adaptation and development interact better when policies are designed to integrate different needs, and that existing processes like the National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPA) can help to mainstream adaptation into development policies while keeping objectives separate.
The assessment shows that synergies between development and adaptation can be promoted to increase adaptive capacity and implement adaptation measures. A Sustainable Development Policies and Measures (SD-PAM) mechanism, similar to the one more commonly discussed for mitigation, can also be used to identify, finance and monitor adaptation through development activities. NAPAs can further facilitate the identification of common resources, leverage mechanisms and activities required for success in adaptation and development interventions. Adaptation can be integrated into development interventions, as well as into institutional arrangements, resource management and legal frameworks.
Integration of adaptation can also support sustainable development through a systemic consideration of the assumptions and interventions in development policies. The implementation of adaptation could be advanced through targeted development interventions that create traceable adaptation benefits through mechanisms that incentivize and support sustainable development policies and measures.
Design and development by Soapbox.