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Rhizosphere activity and methane oxidation in a temperate forest soil

Phil Ineson, Jens-Arne Subke / Published on 16 December 2010

Moody, C.M., J.-A. Subke, N.R. Volke, R.D. Holden, P. Ineson, Y.A. Teh (2010). Rhizosphere activity and methane oxidation in a temperate forest soil. Moody, C.M., J.-A. Subke, N.R. Volke, R.D. Holden, P. Ineson, Y.A. Teh (2010). Rhizosphere activity and methane oxidation in a temperate forest soil. European Geosciences Union: General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, 2-7 May. Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 12, EGU2010-12376.

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