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Synthesis of the Socio-institutional Context Analysis

Undertaking adaptation planning for water resources as a bottom-up process requires ways to share and co-generate knowledge between scientists and multiple stakeholders operating across different scales and policy areas. This in turn requires building on a good understanding of the socio-institutional context in which we are working.

Tahia Devisscher, Mònica Coll Besa / Published on 27 March 2014

Devisscher, T.; Coll Besa, M.; Vignola, R. (2013). Synthesis of the Socio-institutional Context Analysis. Jointly published by SEI, CATIE, CIRAD, SEPADE-BMAAM, FCBC, and ABMJ through the EU Framework Programme (FP7) funded EcoAdapt project.

An analysis of the socio-institutional context of water resource decision-making in three Latin American Model Forests (in Bolivia, Argentina and Chile) was undertaken as part of the EU FP7-funded EcoAdapt project.

This briefing note provides a short description of the three case study sites, the methodology applied to analyse the socio-institutional context, the factors affecting water resource availability and quality in the three forest landscapes, the networks of actors involved in governing water resources, the strengths of and barriers within the governance networks for adapting the management of water resources in light of climatic and other changes, strategic entry points for initiating transformative change within these forest landscapes and the networks that govern them, and the lessons that have emerged from undertaking this type of analysis and bottom-up process.

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SEI authors

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Tahia Devisscher

SEI Affiliated Researcher

SEI Oxford

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