51 results / 1 of 6 pages
Other publication / This roadmap outlines 15 measures that can help the Hindu Kush Himalaya region address transboundary and cascading risks posed by climate change.
Perspective / SEI is working with local communities in the wetlands of Myanmar’s Upper Chindwin Basin to promote biodiversity conservation and resource management.
Feature / Learn about SEI's efforts with local partners to improve early warning systems and resilience to flooding in Thailand’s Sai-Ruak River basin.
Past event / Stakeholders from eight countries meet to discuss cascading climate risks and regional cooperation on adaptation.
Journal article / Understanding the relationship between communities and wetland ecosystems to facilitate the development of wetland management and conservation strategies.
Past event / Share knowledge and perspectives and explore avenues for collaboration on critical water, energy, and climate issues in the Mekong Region.
Other publication / This brief highlights the importance of cooperation for strengthening regional resilience to cascading climate risks in the Hindu Kush Himalaya.
SEI report / Policymakers should consider socio-economic and sociopolitical dimensions that mediate air pollution impacts, such as gender and how it intersects with factors.
Journal article / Researchers developed and tested the concept of "sovereign anxiety" to explore the emotional impact of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in Myanmar.
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