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Op-ed in Deccan Herald refers to ‘A Letter to Fellow Citizens of Earth’

An op-ed by Indian Professor of Sustainability, Harini Nagendra, in the Deccan Herald highlights ‘A Letter to Fellow Citizens of Earth’ co-convened by SEI, Future Earth and International Science Council.

Published on 12 June 2022
Media coverage contact

Jenny Wickman

Harini Nagendra is a Professor of Sustainability and Director of Research Center at Azim Premji University in Bengaluru, India and leads the university’s Center for Climate Change and Sustainability.

In an op-ed in the Deccan Herald, Nagendra refers to the report “Our World at Risk: Transforming Governance for a Resilient Future” and argues that despite the recent UN climate and environment conference Stockholm+50 and ambitious national targets, “current societal, political and economic choices are taking us in the wrong direction” and stresses that “the worst affected will always be those who are already most vulnerable, just barely staying afloat – the poor, the aged, women with young children, migrant workers and refugees.”

Nagendra, who for the past 25 years, has been at the leading edge of research, examining conservation in forests and cities of South Asia from the perspective of both landscape ecology and social justice, also refers to the recently published A Letter to Fellow Citizens of Earth. “To ensure action, we need public pressure – more than ever before. A recent global letter makes such a plea,” writes Nagendra.

The letter, which links back to the Menton Statement (1972), was co-convened by the International Science CouncilFuture Earth, and SEI ahead of Stockholm+50, signed by SEI Executive Director Måns Nilsson in his capacity as a researcher. Nilsson was also part of the Expert Writing Group that drafted the letter.

Read Harini Nagendra’s op-ed here.

Watch the presentation of the letter here.


Watch the letter launch

Video: ATREE Bangalore / YouTube.


Måns Nilsson
Måns Nilsson

Executive Director

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