The Agenda 2030 Compass is a tool that supports decision-makers in integrating the 2030 Agenda into strategic planning processes. Its uses, innovative process and results from real world applications will be presented at the COP27.
Whether a business, a government agency, or a civil society organization, integrating SDGs in strategic planning can be a daunting task: options that seem sustainable may have unintended consequences, and it is easy to miss synergies that could increase societal benefits.
The Agenda 2030 Compass allows users to evaluate the merits of a given investment option, product, or policy by assessing direct and indirect effects on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It has so far been successfully applied in public as well as private sector in product design, housing development, and local and regional strategies in Sweden and in India.
SEI Senior Research Fellow and Head of Knowledge Management Åsa Gerger Swartling, Research Fellow Katarina Axelsson and the Swedish Steel Producers’ Association (Jernkontoret) Head of Research Kristian Skånberg will present the tool at the SDG Pavilion at COP27.
Head of Knowledge Management, Senior Research Fellow
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SEI Headquarters
SEI Affiliated Researcher
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