The Think2030 Dialogue Sweden 2023 will gather decision-makers and analysts from policy, business and research across Europe to debate the key sustainability issues at stake for EU policy.
Maria Cole / maria.cole@sei.orgOlesia Polishchuk /
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Photo: Karl Hendon / Getty Images
An aerial view of wind turbines, Holland. Photo: Karl Hendon / Getty Images
The Think2030 Dialogue Sweden 2023 will gather decision-makers and analysts from policy, business and research across Europe to debate the key sustainability issues at stake for EU policy.
The Think2030 Dialogue Sweden takes place in the framework of the activities of Think2030 platform, created by the Institute for European Environmental Policy in 2018 to provide science-policy solutions for a more sustainable Europe. This event is a follow-up to the latest Think2030 biannual conference that took place in Paris in 2022.
The event will be held in Stockholm on 20 April in direct connection with the informal meeting of EU environment ministers. This provides a unique opportunity to gather high-level representatives from EU member states to reflect on the outcome of the informal ministerial meeting and focus on the EU’s sustainability goals achieving the common vision described in the European Green Deal.
Graphic: SEI
The overarching theme of the 2023 Think2030 Dialogue is the role of the EU in securing future sustainability and resilience within Europe and abroad. The Think2030 Dialogue Sweden will include high-level policy debates and science and policy sessions focusing on four key thematic issues.
The sessions will address sustainability issues against the backdrop of broader issues facing the EU, including security and geopolitics, innovation and competitiveness, and social inclusion in the transition. It will focus on emerging priorities and work of the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, but also the next Trio Presidency, beginning with Spain as the next Presidency.
Graphic: Think2030 Dialogue Sweden / Harry Woodrow, SEI
9:15-9:40 Welcome: Navigating crises through sustainability
9:40-10:00 Opening remarks: The agenda for the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU and ways forward for sustainability in the EU
10:00-10:45 Policy panel: Can the EU become the world’s number one exporter of sustainability and resilience?
Moderated by: Robert Watt, Engagement Director, SEI
11:15-12:30 Parallel Science & Policy Sessions 1 & 2
Session 1: Energy transitions and the cost of living: how to strike the right balance between short term fixes and long-term solutions to the energy crisis?
Co-leads: IDDRI & BC3
Session 2: Climate security and trade in times of multiple crises
Co-leads: Mistra & IISD
Keynote speaker:
13:45-15:00 Parallel Sience & Policy Sessions 3 & 4
Session 3: Innovation and industry transition: towards a green industrial strategy
Co-leads: Formas & SEI
Keynote speaker:
Session 4: European Green Deal 2024 and beyond: Vision and priorities for the EGD 2.0?
Co-leads: IEEP & SIEPS
15:15-15:45 Closing panel: Priorities for presidencies of the EU Council to raise the ambition of future post-2024 European Green Deal
Conversation leaders: Robert Watt, Engagement Director, SEI & Ng’endo Machua-Munio, Communications Officer, SEI
15.45-16.00 Final remarks
Graphic: Logos / Harry Woodrow, SEI
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