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World Water Week: Evaluating gender and social equality in WASH

Welcome to a session as part of Stockholm International Water Institute’s (SIWI) World Water Week. We will present emerging findings from a large review of gender and social equality outcomes of WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) interventions. A panel session will lead to parallel discussions of the implications for better interventions and policies, evaluation practice and research, as well as a participatory validation of a theory of change.

23 August 2021 at 10:00 CEST

ending at 11:25 CEST

Sweden and Online

This super-interactive session on evaluating gender and social equality in WASH is anchored in a presentation of emerging findings from a large Campbell systematic review (read more on the project and methodological plan for the review), which will emphasize key gaps identified and form the basis for several rounds of discussion and break-out groups.

We will present review findings during the first part of the session. The presentation will include interactive polls and questions for the audience to discuss implications of review findings for WASH policy, practice and research.

The second part of the session will include break-out group discussions around a theory of change developed iteratively in the review that describes how WASH interventions lead to social and gender equality outcomes. The discussion will aim to further modify and improve this theory of change drawing on participant experiences and explore its use and potential applications in participants’ activities. This engaging session will increase awareness of a wide range of social and gender equality outcomes linked to WASH and their importance for evaluation.

Watch the recording

Video credits: SIWI World Water Week / YouTube


Introductory remarks

  • Dr Sarah Dickin, SEI

Findings from a systematic review with an emphasis on key identified gaps for the sector

  • Dr Biljana Macura, SEI,
  • Naomi Carrard, University of Technology Sydney
  • Arianna Orlando, SEI
  • George Njoroge, SEI


Break-out sessions

Time use

  • Moderators: Dr Hugh Waddington, The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Audinisa Fadhila, SEI

Livelihoods, education and economic empowerment

  • Moderators: Dr Karin Hannes, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and
    Ella Foggitt, Lancaster University

Decision-making, agency and mobility

  • Moderators: Jess MacArthur, University of Technology Sydney and
    Carla Liera, SEI

Participation and leadership in WASH governance

  • Moderators: Louisa Gosling, WaterAid and George Njoroge, SEI

Reporting back

Concluding remarks

End of session


  • Columbia University
  • Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney
  • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
  • Stockholm Environment Institute
  • University College London
  • WaterAid

Related Publication

SEI Team

Biljana Macura
Biljana Macura

Senior Research Fellow and Team Lead

SEI Headquarters

George Njoroge is a Research Fellow at SEI Africa.
George Njoroge

Research Fellow

SEI Africa

Carla Liera
Carla Liera

Research Associate

SEI Headquarters

Brenda Ochola
Brenda Ochola

Communications and Impact Officer


SEI Headquarters


The session was open to all registered participants of World Water Week 2021.

Registration is now closed.

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