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Film: How can artificial intelligence contribute to Agenda 2030?

In this film, Henrik Carlsen, Co-Director of Mistra Geopolitics at SEI, Lena Sellgren at Business Sweden and Fredrik Heintz at Linköping University – experts within the Mistra Geopolitics programme – discuss the geopolitics of emerging technologies, artificial intelligence and the importance of foresight.

Ylva Rylander / Published on 22 December 2022

Economic, social and political transformations

Current technological advances are expected to bring economic, social and political transformations of an unprecedented scale. Advances in areas such as artificial intelligence, communication technologies, robotics, biotechnology and material science are set to change our future.

Environmental technology concept. Sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Environmental technology concept. Sustainable development goals (SDGs). Photo: Metamorworks / Getty Images Plus.

Complexities are constantly increasing, and within Mistra Geopolitics we are combining emerging technologies with the sustainable development agenda. When combining two such broad topics, it is obvious how important foresight capabilities of new innovations and policy decisions become.

Henrik Carlsen, Co-Director of Mistra Geopolitics and SEI Senior Research Fellow

Film by Mistra Geopolitics: “How can artificial intelligence contribute to Agenda 2030?"

The film was produced by Mistra Geopolitics, a research programme led by SEI and funded by Mistra. The interview and script were conducted and written by Ylva Rylander and Maria Cole.

Henrik Carlsen, Lena Sällgren and Fredrik Heintz are featured in the film.

The interview and script were conducted and written by Ylva Rylander and Maria Cole. Voice-over by Andrea Lindblom. Film production by Johan Söderlund.

The film is produced by the Mistra Geopolitics research programme, led by SEI and funded by Mistra.

Artificial intelligence has the potential to work as a political shifter for countries to really leapfrog development and taking significant jumps in technology – and go directly to the solutions for the sustainability challenges we are facing.

Fredrik Heintz, Professor of Computer Science, Linköping University

We see a lot going on regarding the green transition in Sweden, with the new industrialization expanding in the north of Sweden. Companies are taking advantage of the new technologies and the resources we have.

Lena Sellgren, Chief Economist, Business Sweden

Foresight capabilities and emerging technologies

Foresight capabilities and emerging technologies is one of the prioritized research themes in the Mistra Geopolitics programme. One strand of research helps international organizations and states make sense of and use the potential of these technologies to achieve the 2030 Agenda.

Mistra Geopolitics experts in the film

Mistra Geopolitics team

Henrik Carlsen
Henrik Carlsen

Senior Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Ylva Rylander
Ylva Rylander

Communications and Impact Officer


SEI Headquarters

Maria Cole
Maria Cole

Senior Communications and Impact Officer


SEI Headquarters

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