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The ConnectedByBiobord project centres around the Biobord platform which enables a co-creation dialogue between the business, research, policy and civil society in a transnational bioeconomy network to find new solutions and to support innovations towards sustainable bioeconomy on the rural regions of the Baltic Sea region.

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Project contact

Kaja Peterson

ConnectedByBiobord – open innovation platform connecting bioeconomy developers in the Baltic Sea region is an extension stage project of RDI2CluB – Rural RDI Milieus in transition towards smart bioeconomy clusters and innovation ecosystems which ended in September 2020.

The goal of the RDI2CluB project was to support smart, sustainable and inclusive growth of the bioeconomy in rural areas of the Baltic Sea region. ConnectedByBiobord is building on the outputs of RDI2CluB including innovation pilots and the Biobord platform for transnational co-operation.

ConnectedByBiobord unites actors of the regional innovation systems – policymakers, academy and the business sector including rural bioeconomy enterprises.

The regions of the ConnectedByBiobord partnership are:

In ConnectedByBiobord, the partnership implements transnational innovation pilots which enable interregional peer learning and the design of practices for effective innovation methods for building a co-creation dialogue between business and research.

Strategic building of transnational networks and alliances as well as capacity for transnational innovation management and co-operation are essential to unlock new market opportunities and to keep up with the global competition.

In the rural regions, the need for networks and co-operation is even more prominent due to limited human capital, lack of agglomeration economies, low levels of firm clustering and a weak endowment with knowledge generation organizations. As rural regions, the partner regions of ConnectedByBiobord face similar challenges of lacking capacity for innovation hindering their aspirations to develop bioeconomy and therefore strive to solve these challenges via strategic interregional alliances.

The digital platform, Biobord, enables an online co-creation dialogue between the business, research, policy and civil society in a transnational bioeconomy network. Furthermore, it enables matchmaking and joint development of new products, services and business opportunities, also collaboration and creative encounters between experts of different fields in regional and transnational context. Interaction on the platform supports the transition to smart and sustainable bioeconomy.

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