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FP7 APRAISE – Keskkonnapoliitika meetodite efektiivsuse hindamine

Inactive project



APRAISE – Assessment of Policy Impacts on Sustainability in Europe, on FP7 projekt, mis kuulub ENV.2011.4.2.1-1 alateemasse “Efficiency assessment of environmental policy tools related to sustainability”. Projekti tüüp on “Collaborative project”. Projekti nr. 283121. Projekti töökirjelduses (DoW) on märgitud, et:

“The overall motivation of the APRAISE (Assessment of Policy Interrelationships and Impact on Sustainability in Europe) project is to improve the decision basis for EU and national policy makers for selecting an efficient environmental policy mix leading to the transition towards a sustainable European society, including appropriate support for environmental investments. APRAISE aims to provide an improved understanding of the efficiency, effectiveness and efficacy of environmental policies impacts and their interactions at both the European and Member State level by taking into consideration the social, environmental and economic dimensions of sustainable development. Furthermore, APRAISE will offer guidance on ex-ante policy impact assessment and come up with general policy recommendations.”

Projekti viivad ellu 10 partnerit:

1. Joint Implementation Network (JIN) The Netherlands (projekti koordinaator)
2. Joanneum Research (JR) Austria
3. Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI) Germany
4. Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex (UoS) UK
5. National Technical University of Athens – Energy Policy Unit (NTUA) Greece
6. Centre for European Policy Studies Belgium
7. Government Institute for Economic Research (VATT) Finland
8. Laboratory for Energy Policy, University of Ljubljana (UniLub) Slovenia
9. Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre (SEIT) Estonia
10. University of Pireaus Research Centre (UPRC) Greece

Projekti kestus on 36 kuud.


Projekti lõpukonverents Brüsselis 24. septembril 2014.

Projekti lõppraport: “Assessment of Policy Interrelationships and Impacts on Sustainability in Europe”.

Juhtumiuuringud konflikteeruvatest EL keskkonnapolitiikatest. Eestis tehti juhtumiuuring taastuvenergia ja looduskaitse poliitikameetmete seostest ja efektiivsusest.
19.-20. november partnerite koosolek Grazis.
2.-3. juuli partnerite ja nõuandva kogu ühiskoosolek Groeningenis.
2. november algatuskoosolek Brüsselis.

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