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Analysis of climate finance flows in East European countries

This project aims to support nine Eastern European countries eligible for financing from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) by providing a detailed analysis of climate finance flows and their compatibility with country-specific climate change goals.

Active project


Climate finance flows in Europe

All recipients of development finance from all donors in Europe for climate change projects between 2010–2019. Graphic: Aid Atlas.

About the project

This project explores climate finance flows in nine European countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. These countries are all eligible for financing from the Green Climate Fund.

The project team will identify major bilateral and multilateral finance providers and analyse the extent to which climate finance is present in the target countries’ national plans. We will aim to provide recommendations aimed at countries and donors that describe the potential for additional investments to assist the targeted countries in achieving their climate change goals.

Project goals

  • The project team will produce a climate finance mapping report identifying target countries’ climate change goals, quantifying climate finance flows and financing gaps, and identifying prominent donors/investors and their investment preferences;
  • The team will also provide recommendations for country support and potentially regional (cross-border when possible) programmatic pipeline development for GCF and other donor support.

The research will be conducted in several steps and utilize SEI’s Aid Atlas tool.

Project team

Zoha Shawoo
Zoha Shawoo



Melano Sirbiladze
Melano Sirbiladze

Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Saša Solujić
Saša Solujić

Project Manager

SEI Headquarters

Anneli Sundin
Anneli Sundin

Communications and Impact Officer

Project Communications

SEI Headquarters

Lead author

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