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The CEEDER database of evidence reviews: an open-access evidence service for researchers and decision-makers

This article introduces a new online, freely available and first-of-its-kind evidence service: the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence Database of Evidence Reviews (CEEDER).

Biljana Macura / Published on 9 September 2020

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Konno, K., Cheng, S. H., Eales, J., Frampton, G., Kohl, C., Livoreil, B., Macura, B., O’Leary, B. C., Randall, N. P., Taylor, J. J., Woodcock, P., and Pullin, A. S. (2020). The CEEDER database of evidence reviews: An open-access evidence service for researchers and decision-makers. Environmental Science & Policy. 114.

Evidence-informed decision-making aims to deliver effective actions informed by the best available evidence. Given the large quantity of primary literature, and time constraints faced by policymakers and practitioners, well-conducted evidence reviews can provide a valuable resource to support decision-making.

However, previous research suggests that some evidence reviews may not be sufficiently reliable to inform decisions in the environmental sector due to low standards of conduct and reporting. While some evidence reviews are of high reliability, there is currently no way for policymakers and practitioners to quickly and easily find them among the many lower reliability ones. Alongside this lack of transparency, there is little incentive or support for review authors, editors and peer-reviewers to improve reliability.

CEEDER is an open access evidence service that helps decision makers find reliable evidence reviews and syntheses to inform their decision making. At the same time, CEEDER will help to improve the standards of future evidence reviews and support evidence translation and knowledge mobilization to inform environmental decision-making.


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Biljana Macura
Biljana Macura

Senior Research Fellow and Team Lead

SEI Headquarters

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