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Realizing the vision of a circular food system: a policy dialogue on a sustainable bioeconomy in the Öresund region

Use of the concept of a bioeconomy has become increasingly common in Swedish public discourse over the past decade, although the meaning of the term has altered somewhat over time and depending on the context and messaging. This report presents the outcomes from a policy dialogue focusing on aspects of the Swedish bioeconomy that have not yet been been studied in depth.

Olle Olsson / Published on 31 August 2020
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Olsson, O., Ostwald, M., Östergren, K. (2020). Realizing the Vision of a Circular Food System: A Policy Dialogue on a Sustainable Bioeconomy in the Öresund Region. SEI Report, August 2020. Stockholm, Sweden.

This document reports the results of the fourth workshop run by the project Policy Dialogues on a Bioeconomy for Sustainable Development.

The project is co-financed by the Swedish Innovation Agency, Vinnova, and the SEI Governing Bioeconomy Pathways initiative. The overarching goal of the project is to facilitate a more constructive dialogue on the development of the global bioeconomy. There is a particular focus on analysing national and regional contexts in order to gain a better understanding of what is envisaged by a sustainable bioeconomy and the possible mechanisms for achieving bioeconomy-related goals.


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