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SEI report

Policy dialogue on a bioeconomy for sustainable development in Thailand

This report presents results from the second in a series of policy dialogues on the bioeconomy, held in Bangkok, Thailand, on 28 March 2019.

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Gladkykh, G., Thazin Aung, M., Takama, T, Johnson, F.X., Fielding, M. (2020). Policy Dialogue on a Bioeconomy for Sustainable Development in Thailand. SEI Report. Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm.

The overall goal of the project is to facilitate a more constructive dialogue on the development of the bioeconomy, in particular in national and regional contexts, to better understand how a sustainable bioeconomy is envisaged and the possible ways of achieving bioeconomy goals.

A report on the first workshop in the dialogue series, on the Baltic Sea region, held in Tallinn, Estonia, is available here.

This project is supported by the Sweden’s Innovation Authority, Vinnova.


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SEI authors

Profile picture of Takeshi Takama
Takeshi Takama

SEI Affiliated Researcher

SEI Asia

Francis X. Johnson
Francis X. Johnson

Senior Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Matthew Fielding
Matthew Fielding

Head of Project Communications and Impact Division


SEI Headquarters

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