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SEI brief

Implementation challenges for Community Health Clubs in Rwanda

This brief presents policy considerations for the future of the national Community Health Clubs programme in Rwanda, based on insights from a stakeholder workshop.

Nelson Ekane, Sarah Dickin / Published on 30 October 2019
Download  Implementation challenges for Community Health Clubs in Rwanda / PDF / 942 KB

Ekane, N., Dickin, S., Gabrielsson, S., Ntakarutimana, A. and Rujeni, N. (2019). Implementation Challenges for Community Health Clubs in Rwanda. Brief. Stockholm Environment Institute.

In 2009 the Government of Rwanda launched the Community-based Environmental Health Promotion Programme (CBEHPP), aiming to “reduce the national disease burden through community-based hygiene behaviour change and improved sanitation” and make important contributions to poverty reduction.

The CBEHPP adopted the Community Health Clubs (CHCs) methodology with the aim of attaining rapid, sustainable and cost-effective sanitation and hygiene behaviour change. Rwanda has adopted the CHCs approach as a national strategy.

This brief presents insights and experiences on implementation of CHCs in communities in Rwanda, provided by water, sanitation, and hygiene practitioners in a multi-stakeholder dialogue held in 2018. Aimed chiefly at practitioners and decision-makers in Rwanda, it can hopefully provide pointers to improve the functionality and effectiveness of CHCs implementation. It could also hold lessons for similar programmes elsewhere.


Implementation challenges for Community Health Clubs in Rwanda / PDF / 942 KB

SEI authors

Nelson Ekane
Nelson Ekane

Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

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