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Journal article

Media, Communication, and the Environment in Precarious Times

Considering communication media and technological artifacts as both nature and culture and, more specifically, through defining media as both infrastructural environments and content, the authors discuss how challenges brought about by environmental change can inform contemporary media and communication research and environmental communication.

The materiality of e-waste, which has resonance for cultural, political, economic, and geographic analyses, is used as an illuminating case in point. The authors link the implications ensuing from the e-waste issue with the roles mediation and communication of environmental narratives play, and how they can be informed by such “medianatures,” as well as geopolitical considerations

Annika E. Nilsson / Published on 2 April 2018

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Christensen, Miyase and Annika E. Nilsson. Media, Communication, and the Environment in Precarious Times. Journal of Communication, Volume 68, Issue 2, 1 April 2018, Pages 267–277, Published: 02 April 2018.

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