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SEI working paper

Using a multi-level perspective to advance the financing of biodiversity

This paper summarizes the discourse around policy responses to the climate and biodiversity emergency, with a focus on how public and private capital has been mobilized to respond to it.

Matthew Osborne / Published on 21 September 2022
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Osborne, M. (2022). Using a multi-level perspective to advance the financing of biodiversity. SEI working paper. Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm.

The author aims to examine how such investments have been directed towards biodiversity action, and in this context is motivated by the observation that great expectation has been placed on private capital to provision the necessary actions with a now long-standing assumption that such actions cannot be funded by public means.

The authors first summarize the development of the climate and biodiversity funding system, and then report on its relative impact to date, before introducing and describing how contributions from social-technical transitions theory could be helpful to policy planning in this area.


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