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SEI brief

Sanitation Policy and Practice in Rwanda: Tackling the Disconnect

Nelson Ekane / Published on 4 April 2013

Ekane, N. (2013). Sanitation Policy and Practice in Rwanda: Tackling the Disconnect. SEI Policy Brief: Stockholm, Sweden.

Bats in Rwanda

Bats in Rwanda

A coherent national policy on sanitation and hygiene is critical for raising the profile of the sanitation and hygiene sector and for improving access to safe and hygienic sanitation facilities. However, policy alone is not adequate. In Rwanda, like many other developing countries, it remains a mammoth challenge to translate policy on sanitation and hygiene into practice.

For information to be of use in integrating policy with practice, surveys need to take into account the human and environmental aspects of the situation – that is, whether toilets function as they should and are being used as intended. A function-based monitoring approach, as proposed by SEI, would capture these aspects.

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SEI author

Nelson Ekane
Nelson Ekane

Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

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