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Integrated SDG implementation – how a cross-scale (vertical) and cross-regional nexus approach can complement cross-sectoral (horizontal) integration

This book chapter provides a new perspective on integrated management of natural resources via a nexus approach.

Holger Hoff / Published on 18 April 2018

Hoff, H. (2018). Integrated SDG Implementation – how a cross-scale (vertical) and cross-regional nexus approach can complement cross-sectoral (horizontal) integration. In Managing Water, Soil and Waste Resources to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals: Monitoring and Implementation of Integrated Resources Management. S. Hülsmann and R. Ardakanian (eds.). Springer International Publishing.

The author shows that integrated management and governance approaches for environmental resources and human securities not only require horizontal coherence across disciplines and sectors, but also vertically across levels, scales and across regions.

In particular the call for integrated implementation of the SDGs requires a horizontally and vertically coherent approach across the different sustainability goals and targets. For that, transdisciplinarity is required, so that scientists and policy and decision makers can co-design and co-generate knowledge.

SEI author

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