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Sugarcane as a renewable resource for sustainable futures

Sugarcane is the main source of the world’s sugar, and is grown widely in the tropics and sub-tropics. But it also offers an important source of renewable energy and bio-based materials. In this book chapter, the authors discuss the role of sugarcane as a renewable resource for sustainable development.

Francis X. Johnson, Anne Nyambane / Published on 28 November 2017

Johnson, F. X., Leal, M. R. L. V., Nyambane, A. (2017). Sugarcane as a renewable resource for sustainable futures. In P. Rott (ed.) Achieving Sustainable Cultivation of Sugarcane, vol. 1 (Chapter 15). Burleigh-Dodds: Cambridge, UK.

field workers sugar cane farm Fiji

Field workers in a sugar cane farm in Fiji. Photo credit: Asian Development Bank (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) via Flickr

Sugarcane is not only the main source of sucrose but also the world’s most important energy crop with an important role in the global sustainability transition, owing to its high productivity, its concentration in developing and emerging economies and the wide array of commercial products that it can provide.

This chapter describes the diversification of sugarcane production systems into multiple energy and non-energy products, improving economic competitiveness and environmental sustainability. The chapter also explains the evolution of lifecycle assessments, including the entire supply chain from cultivation through end use, which has facilitated continuous sustainability improvements.

The experience in Brazil is used to illustrate how sugarcane has gone from being a single commodity resource to a flexible and diversified renewable resource. The development of modern bio-refineries using sugarcane as feedstock allows for innovative combinations of value-added products and services from both agricultural and industrial sources to insure efficient and effective use of sugarcane resources in support of sustainable development pathways.

SEI authors

Francis X. Johnson
Francis X. Johnson

Senior Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

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