A campaign for decisionmakers on what science recommends to accelerate progress on the Global Goals. Launched for the SDG Summit in September 2023.
We invite policymakers to participate in our survey aimed at enhancing science communication to advance the Global Goals. This survey seeks to understand how you utilize scientific information.
Your feedback will help inform the development of science communication that better meets the needs and realities of users.
Please note that all responses are anonymous and untraceable.
“Time to Lead – science to accelerate the Global Goals”. A campaign developed by researchers at Stockholm Environment Institute in collaboration with the International Science Council and researchers at Linköping University, as part of a communications project funded by Formas, a Swedish research council for sustainable development.
Much work remains to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Progress reports and the state of our world make it clear: we must correct our course.
In correcting the course, decision-makers should draw on insights from the first phase, the knowledge accumulated and the best available science. ”Time to Lead – science to accelerate the Global Goals” synthesizes what scientists recommend for accelerating progress on the SDGs and keeping the Goals within reach. It is based on key synthesis reports.
Political and institutional change towards achieving the Global Goals needs to be built on knowledge underpinned by science. Make room for science-based and inclusive decisions that build confidence in action.
Embrace multilateralism and engage all levels of society in the transformations to sustainability. Entry points for such transformations are known and universal. High-income countries must keep their promises to ensure effective global cooperation.
For action on the Goals to lead to sustainable outcomes, leadership is needed that takes a long-term perspective and considers future generations. Act boldly. Choices made today will have impact now and for centuries to come.
The ways in which we track progress on the Global Goals need to mirror the inseparable threads between society, economy and environment. The time has come to move beyond GDP as the measure of prosperity.
Make it easier to lead with science. Track, expect and recognize progress and embrace new ways of collecting data.
While promises made have languished, time still remains to achieve the Goals. Build trust in action through better transparency and participation. Act on commitments made.
The goals are for everyone. Advancing the political and economic position of the world’s poorest countries is essential for making lasting prosperity for all.
Our relationship to the planet needs to deepen. Let Indigenous expertise serve as an essential source of knowledge. Consider the legal rights of nature.
To progress on the universal Global Goals and leave no one behind, we must recognize how they are interconnected. Visualize and leverage these relationships to collaborate within and between countries.
Address the funding gap for the Global Goals. Make sustainability standard practice in private finance and ensure long-term stable investment conditions.
If you want to engage with us on social media and share the #TimeToLead message, follow our posts on @SEIResearch and LinkedIn.