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UNFCCC Resource Guide for Preparing the National Communications of non-Annex I Parties. Module 4: Measures to Mitigate Climate Change

The module introduces the basic concepts behind performing a mitigation assessment, reviews mitigation options in different sectors of the economy, outlines barriers to mitigation and provides a brief introduction to alternative modeling tools for mitigation assessment.

Anja Kollmuss, Charles Heaps / Published on 13 March 2009

Heaps, C.; Kollmuss, A. (2008). UNFCCC Resource Guide for Preparing the National Communications of non-Annex I Parties. Module 4: Measures to Mitigate Climate Change. Heaps, C. and A. Kollmuss (2008). UNFCCC Resource Guide for Preparing the National Communications of non-Annex I Parties. Module 4: Measures to Mitigate Climate Change. UNFCCC.

SEI staff Charlie Heaps and Anja Kollmuss have authored the mitigation module of the new UNFCCC Resource Guides on Preparing National Communications for Non Annex 1 (NAI) Parties.

Download UNFCCC Resource Guide for Preparing the National Communications of non-Annex I Parties. Module 4: Measures to Mitigate Climate Change (PDF)

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Anja Kollmuss

SEI Affiliated Researcher


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Charles Heaps

Senior Scientist


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