150 results / 1 of 17 pages
Collection / These policy briefs are a contribution to the T20, an "idea bank" designed to inform and inspire policy discussions at G20 Summits.
Perspective / Trase’s co-directors write about the benefits and limitations of Trase data in assisting companies and governments in their efforts to implement the EUDR.
Journal article / This article explores the positions and views of stakeholders who resist the zero-deforestation agenda.
Past event / Despite the European Union’s successes in curbing territorial emissions, consumption habits are increasingly impacting nations beyond its borders.
Past event / SEI's Finance for Sustainable Development team explored financing solutions for clean energy in Sub-Saharan Africa at this UN side event.
Past event / This project explores access to European Union (EU) markets for East African SMEs in the agriculture sector and the effect of Eu sustainability standards.
Other publication / SEI York researchers contributed to a new UK Nitrogen Balance Sheet, developed for WWF-UK by the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology.
Journal article / This article explores the prospects for successful externalisation of Europe's sustainability standards using Brazilian soy as a case.
Perspective / Hear local perspectives on the challenges faced by coffee farmers in Indonesia when joining global eco-labelling schemes.
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