163 results / 5 of 19 pages
Other publication / This brief looks at how transboundary and cascading climate risks could impact different African regions.
Other publication / This report is intended to act as a starting point for a more in-depth exploration of the policy environment that surrounds trade-linked cross-border impacts.
Project / Bringing consumption-based emissions reduction onto the EU Commission agenda.
Other publication / This brief explains why its important to monitor the offshore impacts of commodity trade and production, and recommends how G20 countries can help do it better.
Perspective / A call to invest in adaptation both in the Nordics and in other countries impacted by climate change at the Nordic Conference on Climate Change Adaptation
Other publication / The authors of this discussion paper discussed how to fairly allocate responsibility for production level impacts across supply chains.
Journal article / A biodiversity footprint study of Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina found little evidence that metrics accurately reflect deforestation and species loss.
Feature / Water is a central research topic at SEI. This World Water Day, explore SEI's latest research and perspectives on water.
SEI report / A new report summarizes how a transformative transition towards a more sustainable "blue economy" could take place in Sweden, with impacts outside of Sweden.
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