Victor Galaz, Deputy Director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre, delivered the keynote “Finance and the Earth System.” Dr Galaz discussed work showing how a handful of international investors are linked to economic activities that influence the stability of some of the world’s largest forests, and hence the global climate.
The first morning session examined the extent to which investors are on track to meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement. In particular, this session looked at the role of science-based targets. Eric Usher, Head of the UN Environment Programme’s Finance Initiative (UNEP-FI), addressed panellists on the “Principles of Responsible Banking.”
One year after the adoption of the EU Action Plan on Sustainable Finance, Marie Baumgarts of SEB, member of the European Commission’s Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (TEG), and Sandrine Dixson-Declève of E3G, also a TEG-member, were among those discussing the EU Action plan and in particular the taxonomy.
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