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A Consumption Approach for Emissions Accounting – the REAP Tool and REAP Data for 2006

REAP stands for the Resources and Energy Analysis Programme and has been developed to support decision making and policy development.

Anne Owen, Elena Dawkins, Katy Roelich / Published on 18 July 2011

Elena Dawkins, E., Roelich, K. and A. Owen (2011). A Consumption Approach for Emissions Accounting - the REAP Tool and REAP Data for 2006.

The REAP tool is a software tool designed by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) at the University of York. It provides a database and scenario modelling of the emissions generated as a result of the consumption of goods and services by UK residents.

The software tool is one of the outputs of a 10 year research programme into consumption based carbon and GHG emissions accounting at SEI. It was originally developed to make our data and research at SEI accessible to policy makers and highlight the importance of consumption based approach to emissions accounting.

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