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Journal article

Circular nutrient solutions for agriculture and wastewater – a review of technologies and practices

This paper reviews circular solutions to waste streams in the agricultural and wastewater sectors.

Arno Rosemarin, Karina Barquet, Biljana Macura, Neal Haddaway, Linn Järnberg, Dag Lorick, Circular nutrient solutions for agriculture and wastewater – a review of technologies and practices / Published on 1 August 2020

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Rosemarin, A., Macura, B., Carolus, J., Barquet, K., Ek, F., Järnberg, L., Lorick, D., Johannesdottir, S., Pedersen, S.M., Koskiaho, J. and Haddaway, N.R. (2020). Circular nutrient solutions for agriculture and wastewater – a review of technologies and practices. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 45, 78-91.

To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, wastewater and agricultural waste need to be seen as valuable resources and their safe management is crucial to long-term sustainability. The authors explore the established and emerging technologies, EU legislation and economic assessments that could help the wastewater and agricultural sectors transition towards more circular economies. The Baltic Sea Region is investigated as a case study since various ongoing international efforts to establish nutrient circularity are underway in Baltic states.

The authors find that policy and governance are central to transforming the agricultural and wastewater sectors towards increased circularity. As such, further regulations and incentive policies are necessary if circular nutrient technologies and practices are to be scaled up.

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SEI authors

Arno Rosemarin
Arno Rosemarin

Senior Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Karina Barquet
Karina Barquet

Team Leader: Water, Coasts and Ocean; Senior Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Biljana Macura
Biljana Macura

Senior Research Fellow and Team Lead

SEI Headquarters

Linn Järnberg
Linn Järnberg

Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

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