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Differences in river ecological functions due to rapid channel alteration processes in two California rivers using the functional flows model, part 2 – model applications

This study applies the functional flows model (FFM) that integrates hydrogeomorphic processes and ecological functions to assess physical habitat.

Marisa Escobar / Published on 30 December 2010

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Escobar-Arias, M.I. and Pasternack, G.B. (2011). Differences in river ecological functions due to rapid channel alteration processes in two California rivers using the functional flows model, part 2 – model applications. River Research and Applications 27:1, 1-22.

The model was adjusted to evaluate gravel-bed riffle functionality for fall-run Chinook salmon with respect to river rehabilitation on the Mokelumne River and flood-induced channel change on the Yuba River. The goal was to test if differences in ecological performance were traceable to differences in hydrogeomorphic conditions.

A comparison between both rivers showed that despite a greater geomorphic potential of the Mokelumne River sites to have functional flows, Yuba River sites actually experienced better ecological performance for fall-run Chinook salmon freshwater life stages due to greater flow availability.

The FFM provided an objective tool to assess changes in ecological functionality at hydrogeomorphically dynamic sites.

Read the article (external link); for a related article describing the model in detail, click here.

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10.1002/rra.1335 Closed access
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