SEI research helps municipalities and stakeholders in California find innovative, negotiated solutions to the interlinked challenges of climate-related water shortages and competing demands on limited water resources. Most of this work takes place through the SEI US office in Davis, CA.
67 results / 1 of 8 pages
Past event / This virtual New York Climate Week event explores on-the-ground trade-offs and solutions with SEI experts that benefit climate and biodiversity alike.
Perspective / This World Water Day, SEI Scientist Doug Chalmers reflects on how science supports conflict resolution around one of the planet's most precious resources: water
Past event / SEI will present on water modelling tools for better water allocation at an AGU conference session 13 December 2023.
Journal article / Researchers used a suite of tools to model human and aquatic habitat water needs in a California watershed and aid local water allocation policy.
Feature / Water managers must balance the needs of aquatic habitat and human supply. SEI Scientist Doug Chalmers explains a new approach to help resolve that tension.
Perspective / A diverse array of leaders will gather in a rare UN water conference. SEI experts suggest three ways to foster a more water-resilient world.
Project / SEI is working with UC Davis and the California State Water Resources Control Board to implement the Drought Emergency Regulation in the Scott River watershed.
Feature / As weADAPT celebrates its 15th anniversary, we look at how the community helps compare and assess global projects facing similar challenges and find solutions.
Project / SEI is building a water allocation and hydrology model in the Upper Klamath River basin.
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