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Journal article

Global value chains and the governance of ‘embedded’ food commodities: The case of soy

This article extends the scope of debate on governance of global value chains beyond the generation, control and distribution of economic value to also consider the transnational politics of the sustainability agenda, using soy as a case study.

Tony Heron, Chris West / Published on 1 October 2018

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Heron, T., Prado, P. and West, C. (2018). Global value chains and the governance of ‘embedded’ food commodities: The case of soy. Global Policy, 9. 29–37.

In recent decades, soy has emerged as one of the world’s most significant food-related commodities and is strongly linked to deforestation and habitat loss, especially in Latin America. However, only a very small proportion of soy is consumed directly as food by humans. The rest is crushed to produce animal feed, oils, biofuel and other industrial products.

This article argues that the peculiar (but not necessarily unique) structural and institutional characteristics of the soy value chain raises crucial questions about the promotion of sustainability in complex, non-consumer-facing global value chains (GVCs).

The particular way that soy is “embedded” in the food system has meant that consumer-facing firms have been shielded from the externalities of its production and trade to a much larger degree than is the case for comparable food commodities. This, in turn, helps to explain the widely perceived inadequacies of the private certification of “sustainable soy” – and ongoing and wider political struggles around land, labour and the environment – for more comprehensive and inclusive forms of governance.

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SEI authors

Tony Heron

Chris West

Deputy Centre Director (Research)

SEI York

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Topics and subtopics
Economy : Supply chains / Land : Forests, Food and agriculture
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