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SEI brief

Challenges and opportunities in municipalities’ work on sustainable consumption

This brief presents the findings of a survey of Swedish municipalities which was conducted to better understand how they work with sustainable consumption, the challenges they face, and the most important driving forces behind their work. The brief makes three recommendations for how municipalities can strengthen their work on sustainable consumption.

Download  Read the UNLOCK brief / PDF / 479 KB

Swedish municipalities are heavily focused on creating the right conditions for the transition to more a sustainable society. Supporting and promoting sustainable consumption has come to play a central role in these efforts. Its importance has also been acknowledged in Sweden’s national strategy for sustainable consumption, adopted in 2016, and in the overarching objective of Sweden’s environmental policy, the Generational Goal.

Sweden is a global frontrunner in policies and measures to address sustainable consumption. However, Sweden’s per capita climate footprint remains very large. In order for Sweden to succeed in reducing the impacts of its consumption, it is important to understand what drives consumption and how it can be made more sustainable.

In 2018, SEI conducted a survey among Swedish municipalities to better understand their work which addresses sustainable consumption. This brief presents the findings of the survey and makes three recommendations for how municipalities’ work on sustainable consumption can be further improved.


Read the UNLOCK brief / PDF / 479 KB

SEI authors

Katarina Axelsson
Katarina Axelsson

Senior Policy Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Karin André
Karin André

Team Leader: Cities, Communities and Consumption; Senior Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

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