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Plastic waste management and recycling in Mombasa, Kenya: A scoping study of the value chain and its institutional, policy and regulatory frameworks

Plastic waste management and recycling activities have the potential to reduce the environmental impacts of plastic production and to tap the economic value of would-be waste materials through circular economy approaches. This report focuses on the framework for establishing effective practices in Mombasa, Kenya, with policymaking, institutional support and regulations, and with implications for similar contexts elsewhere.

George Njoroge, Jaee Nikam, Daniel Ddiba / Published on 25 April 2022
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Njoroge, G., Nikam, J. and Ddiba, D. (2022). Plastic waste management and recycling in Mombasa, Kenya: A scoping study of the value chain and its institutional, policy and regulatory frameworks. SEI report. Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm.

In the county of Mombasa, Kenya, a growing urban population has contributed to increased volumes of waste. Plastic waste management and recycling in the city typically involve reuse, recovery and recycling, and have been practiced formally and informally over the past three decades. These recycling and management practices are an opportunity to generate income and jobs, as well as to reduce the environmental impact of plastic pollution, especially in light of the recent growth of the region’s population, which has led to increasing waste and unemployment.

Despite decades of such work, little is known about the stakeholders involved and the kind of interactions and linkages existing between them. This study clarifies the activities and linkages established in plastic waste management and the recycling value chain, the institutional and governance structures, and the policy and regulatory framework applied in solid waste management in general, and plastic waste management and recycling in particular, in the county and the city proper.

This scoping study entailed a review of scientific and policy literature complemented with interviews with stakeholders, including government policymakers, enforcement agencies’ officers, representatives of non-governmental organizations that are involved in promoting waste management and plastic waste recycling, research organizations, and the private sector. Questionnaires were administered to recycling entrepreneurs, alongside observation of plastic waste recycling activities in successive levels of the value chain. Read the study for findings and recommendations.


Read the report / PDF / 1 MB

SEI authors

George Njoroge is a Research Fellow at SEI Africa.
George Njoroge

Research Fellow

SEI Africa

Daniel Ddiba
Daniel Ddiba

Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

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