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Renewable Energy for Development (RED), Vol 19, No. 3

Abstract: “This is the electronic version of the printed newsletter of the Energy Programme at SEI, which is mainly concerned with energy utilisation and technologies in the Third World. Studies are carried out in close cooperation with local institutions. The printed version (ISSN 1101-8267) is distributed free of charge. This newsletter is supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency Sida).

Fiona Lambe / Published on 5 October 2008

(2006). Renewable Energy for Development (RED), Vol 19, No. 3. RED Newsletter , Volume 19, No. 3.

In this Issue:

  • The EU emissions trading system: getting it right by Michael Grubb and Karsten Neuhoff.
  • Mainstreaming adaptation to climate change into official development assistance: promoting synergies or diverting money? by Richard J.T. Klein.
  • Harnessing sweet sorghum for bioenergy in Zambia by Emmanuel Matsika, Francis D.Yamba and Kalaluka Munyinda.
  • Bioenergy with carbon storage – strengthening Kyoto through complementary action to address the threat of abrupt climate change by Peter Read.

Download the newsletter (PDF)

SEI author

Fiona Lambe
Fiona Lambe

Senior Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

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