This policy brief summarizes the results and policy implications of a research project that examined early implementation in Cambodia of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM).
The brief also makes recommendations for improving chemicals regimes, and specifically the SAICM, both in Cambodia and around the world.
Over the past 20 years a cluster of international environmental agreements has developed aimed at reducing the risks associated with the production and use of chemicals. SAICM, launched in 2006, is one of the newest additions to this group, and responds to the global goal of the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg to use and produce chemicals in a way that minimizes their adverse effects on health and the environment by 2020.
The project assesses barriers to and opportunities for implementing SAICM in Cambodia, and draws broad lessons for success in its future implementation.
Results of the project are based on a national-level case study, involving interviews with Cambodian and international stakeholders engaged in the SAICM process, and observations made at the ICCM 3 in Nairobi in September 2012.
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