SEI research helps municipalities and stakeholders in California find innovative, negotiated solutions to the interlinked challenges of climate-related water shortages and competing demands on limited water resources. Most of this work takes place through the SEI US office in Davis, CA.
67 results / 4 of 8 pages
Project / SEI researchers work throughout California to model complex water systems and explore sustainable management options.
Feature / SEI is working with the U.S. Department of Energy and the California and Chinese governments to help policy-makers plan for resilient water and energy systems.
SEI brief / The Sacramento Water Allocation Model, known as SacWAM, mimics one of the most complex water systems in the US.
SEI brief / RDS helps stakeholders create a shared mental model of available opportunities and potential trade-offs for various objectives.
SEI brief / Policy-makers can now model the effect of management options on the availability of habitat and the viability of aquatic species.
Feature / SEI's Charles Young and Stantec's Andy Draper won for their work on an unprecedented water model of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
Past event / Join this timely webinar for a view into what could be the "next big step" in climate policy at this critical juncture in the UN climate negotiations.
Journal article / This paper finds that California could reduce global emissions substantially if it joined a growing list of governments that limit oil production.
Press release / As the UN climate negotiations approach, a paper in Nature Climate Change highlights a growing movement by governments to leave oil resources “in the ground”.
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