56 results / 1 of 7 pages
Perspective / This Currents 2025 perspective underscores the increasing attention that land warrants in addressing climate, environment and sustainable development issues.
Journal article / This study investigated the use of machine learning methods for predicting key indicators of agricultural drought over Sweden.
Journal article / This study evaluates the sustainability of biochar production and explores existing barriers and feasible opportunities for biochar in Colombia.
Past event / Join us for the 33rd SuSanA Meeting to network and discuss various WaSH-related topics ahead of World Water Week.
Other publication / A set of 116 images can be used with the Resource Flow mapping tool and other sensitization tools in the Clean and Green framework.
Project / AgroMixNorth offers springboards for resilient cropping systems that provide nutritious food and income to farmers while increasing below-ground carbon storage.
Journal article / This paper assesses the potential impacts of sediment landfilling and soil conditioning for more sustainable dredging in Malmfjärd Bay, Kalmar, Sweden.
Past event / The Lancet Countdown introduced its seventh annual indicator report on health and climate change in The Lancet in this virtual launch event co-sponsored by SEI.
Journal article / Seasonally flooded cattle pastures in the Brazilian Pantanal may be an important regional source of carbon for the atmosphere.
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