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Digital Mapping Toolkit

Addressing the critical need for equitable mobility and transport decarbonization, the Digital Mapping Toolkit facilitates inclusive urban transport planning. This dynamic toolkit leverages participatory digital mapping and other innovative methods to gather crucial data, enabling evidence-based advocacy and the creation of inclusive, accessible transport solutions.


Last updated on 11 November 2024

The Digital Mapping Toolkit, conceived within the Indonesia-UK PACT project based at the University of York, is designed to democratize urban transport planning by ensuring the integration of marginalized communities’ perspectives. By utilizing participatory digital mapping and a suite of other participatory tools, the toolkit facilitates the collection and analysis of data regarding the mobility needs of vulnerable populations, transforming this data into actionable insights for creating more inclusive and accessible urban transport systems.

Originally tailored for the Indonesian context, the toolkit’s adaptable framework makes it applicable globally, offering invaluable insights for cities worldwide striving to enhance their urban mobility inclusiveness. Its impact is evidenced in Indonesia, where it has empowered communities and influenced policy changes towards more inclusive transport solutions.

Access to the Digital Mapping Toolkit is facilitated through the SEI website. While the toolkit’s guidance materials are freely accessible, users might need specific hardware or software, such as GPS-enabled devices or GIS software, to fully leverage its capabilities.

Engagement opportunities abound, from workshops to public discussions, inviting a wide array of stakeholders to contribute to the toolkit’s evolution and application. For those interested in becoming part of this transformative journey, details on upcoming events and how to get involved are regularly updated on the SEI platform.

Inclusive low-carbon transport in Indonesia is one of five projects selected as part of the Indonesia-UK PACT (Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions) low-carbon cities and transport call for proposals, reaffirming the UK-Indonesia collaboration on transport.

The Digital Mapping Toolkit is designed to serve a diverse audience, spanning from local community groups and NGOs to urban planners and government officials, each finding unique value and applications within its framework.

Community groups and NGOs: These organizations, particularly those representing women, older people, people with disabilities (PWD), and other marginalized communities, can utilize the toolkit to visually document and share their specific mobility challenges and needs. By creating participatory maps and engaging in photovoice activities, they can vividly illustrate the real-world impact of existing transport systems on their daily lives, fostering stronger advocacy for inclusive urban mobility solutions.

Urban planners and government officials: Professionals in urban development and policy-making can utilize the toolkit to integrate community insights into planning processes, ensuring that transport infrastructure and services are responsive to the needs of all city inhabitants, including the most vulnerable. The toolkit’s capacity to generate detailed spatial data and qualitative insights aids in the creation of more equitable, accessible urban environments.

Educators and researchers: In academic settings, the toolkit serves as a practical resource for teaching and research on participatory planning and sustainable urban mobility. It offers a hands-on approach to understanding the complex dynamics of city transport systems and the importance of inclusion in urban design.

The Digital Mapping Toolkit’s broad applicability across various user groups and its potential for integration with other methodologies make it a versatile resource in the pursuit of more inclusive and sustainable urban mobility solutions worldwide. Through collaborative mapping, data collection, and advocacy, the toolkit empowers users to contribute meaningfully to the transformation of their urban landscapes, ensuring that mobility systems cater to the needs of all.

Established as part of the UKPACT Future Cities initiative, the Digital Mapping Toolkit was created to address the urgent need for more inclusive urban transport planning. Recognizing the gaps in traditional planning processes that often overlook marginalized communities, the toolkit was developed to ensure these groups have a say in shaping the urban mobility landscape that directly affects their daily lives.

Development process

The toolkit was developed through a collaborative process involving urban planners, community groups, and technology experts, ensuring a multidisciplinary approach. Key to its development was the incorporation of feedback from marginalized communities to ensure the tools were accessible and relevant. For a deeper understanding of the methodologies and background reports that informed its creation, users can refer to the comprehensive methodology documentation.

Features and accessibility

The Digital Mapping Toolkit is designed to be user-friendly for individuals with varying levels of technical expertise. While initially developed with a focus on Indonesia, the toolkit’s adaptable nature makes it relevant for diverse geographic contexts, with customization options to suit different urban environments and community needs.

The toolkit offers a range of features designed for inclusivity and ease of use, and helps you choose the right approach.

Available tools

  • Participatory mapping: Allows users to create maps that reflect community mobility needs and preferences.
  • Photovoice: Combines photography with narrative to capture and communicate the mobility experiences of community members.
  • Online spatial surveys: Facilitates the collection of geospatial data on mobility patterns.
  • RAP-GIS (Rapid Appraisal Participatory GIS): Engages participants in on-the-spot mapping to capture immediate mobility experiences.
  • Online participatory mapping: Enables the creation and analysis of spatial questionnaires.
  • Google timeline analysis: Utilizes location history data to understand mobility patterns.

For more information about the project partners and funders, visit the UK PACT Inclusive low-carbon transport in Indonesia project page.

SEI team

Steve Cinderby

Senior Research Fellow

SEI York

Howard Cambridge

Research Support Group Manager

SEI York

Gary Haq

Senior Research Associate

SEI York

Kate O’Reilly

Project Manager

SEI York

The Digital Mapping Toolkit is in a continuous phase of evolution, reflecting the dynamic nature of urban mobility challenges and the technologies available to address them. The development team is committed to enhancing the toolkit’s features, expanding its applicability, and ensuring it remains a progressive resource for inclusive urban planning.

Design and development by Soapbox.