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Climate change, gender, and livelihoods among fisher communities in the Lake Victoria zone region in Kenya

Little is known about how vulnerable fishery-dependent livelihoods are on a local level due to climate change. Most research has concentrated on the impact of climate change on fisheries systems at the global, regional and country scales (e.g., Allison et al., 2009; Barange et al., 2018; Dulvy et al., 2011; Mboya, 2013). To fill this gap, WorldFish commissioned a scoping study to assess how climate change affects the fishing communities in two riparian counties along Kenya’s Lake Victoria.

25 to 26 September 2023
Migori, Kenya

Florence Hotel, Migori

SEI Africa Center Director Dr. Philip Osano (right) with Prof. Dorothy Amwata, Dean, School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (SAES) at the Murang’a University of Technology (middle) and Mr. George Okoth, Director of Fisheries,  County Government of Homa Bay (left), during an inspection tour of the Solar tent drier in Sori, Homa Bay County.

Photo: Lawrence Nzuve 

These counties are Migori and Homa Bay, which are hotspots of community vulnerability to climate change because of the high rates of poverty. SEI Africa, together with WorldFish organized a workshop on Climate Change, Gender, and Livelihoods in Migori and Homa Bay on 25-26 September 2023 in Migori, Kenya. The workshop sessions involved plenary presentations, group breakout sessions and demonstrations of key technologies. It brought together about 40 key stakeholders, including representatives from the national and county governments, local fishing communities, NGOs operating in the fisheries sector, researchers and scholars, and private sector agencies including financial institutions (Cooperative societies and banks).

The objectives of the workshop included sharing with the participants evidence on the impacts of Climate Change and Fisheries globally and in Kenya; to present preliminary findings and obtain feedback on the scoping study on study on adaptation to impacts of climate change on fishing communities in Migori and Homa Bay Counties; and identify interventions and measures that can contribute towards strengthening adaptation and resilience to the impacts of climate change in the fisheries sector in Migori and Homa Bay counties as it relates to governance of fisheries resources, Technology and value addition, financing, and education and awareness.

Photo of a Solar tent drier in Sori, Homa Bay County

Photo: Lawrence Nzuve

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