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Webinar: introducing a major new version of LEAP

SEI is thrilled to announce the release of a major new version of SEI’s Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP), a tool which supports energy policymaking in more than 190 countries worldwide, which will make this software more relevant and accessible than ever.

Watch our webinar tutorial to learn about the new features and how they can support your work.


17 July 2024
Online only

LEAP supports governments, researchers, energy utilities and more all over the world in integrated energy planning. It has become a critical tool for many countries in developing greenhouse gas mitigation assessments, low emission development strategies and intended nationally determined contributions on climate change under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Now, LEAP offers a variety of new features to allow more policy-relevant analysis and become more accessible to users seeking to address emerging concerns in the energy planning world.

More than two years in the making, this new version of LEAP is a major advance for the world’s most popular energy, climate and air pollution planning platform with new analytical capabilities, including full energy system optimization, designed to help create and communicate more credible and ambitious plans. LEAP is now upgraded to make it easier to use and more accessible to a broader audience. It also incorporates new methodologies that can help planners examine energy affordability and environmental justice concerns.

Nearly 1000 people attended two demonstrations of the new features, hosted by SEI’s LEAP experts. Watch the recording to catch up on what you may have missed, or visit LEAP’s YouTube page for more abbreviated explainers.


Silvia Ulloa



Women in red shirt smiling in portrait
Charlotte Wagner

Senior Scientist


Charles Heaps

Senior Scientist


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