The event will gather up to 150 participants from the Nordic and Baltic countries from textile collection, reuse and recycling organisations as well as textile producers, brands and retailers, public authorities, policy makers, industry associations, the academia and representatives of NGOs.
Language: English
Cost: The conference is free of charge
Venue: Vilnius (Museum of Applied Arts and Design), Lithuania
9:30 Registration and coffee
10:00 Opening words by Helén Nilsson, Director of the Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania and other guests
10:15 Presentation of post-consumer textile flows in Baltics. What are the main challenges and opportunities in the Baltics? By David Watson, PlanMiljo senior consultant
10:40 Panel discussion with David Watson, PlanMiljo senior consultant , Kaj Pihl, Humana People to people Environment and recycling advisor, Jānis Aizbalts, Eco Baltia Vide, director. Moderated by Kristina Martin, SEI Tallinn, Junior Expert
11:05 Textile industry development towards circularity by Kerli Kant Hvass, SEI Tallinn, Senior Expert
11:20 Best practices on industry development by Jaakko Zitting, Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto
11:40 Best practices on industry development: regional cross-sectoral initiative by Maria Ström, Wärgon Innovation
12:00 Best practices on industry development – developing circular and regenerative textile systems in cities. Prof. dr. Žaneta Stasiškienė, Institute of Environmental Engineering, KTU
12:15 Lunch
13:00 Discussion session on industry development. Facilitator – Kerli Kant Hvass, SEI Senior Expert
Cross-sectoral and cross-border collaboration plays a key role in achieving circular textile industry. Companies and initiatives that are eager to find collaboration partners in the Nordic-Baltic region are invited to pitch for possible collaboration.
13:50 Pitching. Call for action. Baltic-Nordic stakeholders – for possible cooperation. Moderators: Viktorija Nausėdė and Laura Aleks (Resources for Sustainable Development/ TEXTALE)
14:50 Matchmaking
15:50 Policy recommendations for the used textile sector in the Baltic states. Harri Moora, SEI Tallinn, Environmental Management Programme Director
16:10 Panel discussion on policy issues with Jurgita Gaižiūnienė, Representative from Lithuanian Ministry of the Environment, the representative from Lithuanian Ministry of Economy and Innovation (TBD), Dace Akule, Green Liberty (Latvia), Victoria Dias, Sustainable fashion expert (Lithuania). Moderated by David Watson
16:50 Wrap-up
17:00 – 18:30 Networking
The organisers reserve the right to make adjustments in the agenda. The event is organized by:
Event Contact: Viktorija Nausede (TEXTALE, Lithuania)
[email protected], tel: +370 614 81155
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