Helen Poltimäe joined SEI Tallinn in September 2000 and is active in SEI Tallinn Climate Systems and Energy Policy Unit. Helen has worked on projects related to the role of different market-based instruments, external cost calculations, sustainability assessments, socio-economic assessments of policies, climate, energy and transport policies, ecosystem services valuation, etc.
Helen has a PhD in Economics from the University of Tartu (2014). Her PhD thesis was about the distributional and behavioural effects of Estonian environmental taxes. Helen also works for the University of Tartu as a lecturer in economic modelling.
Helen’s interest area is where economic and environmental issues meet, for example, how to use economic instruments to affect the behaviour of stakeholders or what are the socio-economic effects of various environmental policies. She has published papers and participated in projects related to transport, energy, climate, and agriculture. She is specifically interested in environmental taxes and their different effects.
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