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Air Quality Monitoring in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania

Over the past 5 years, the City of Dar es Salaam has made substantial progress in improving air quality, but still experiences poor air quality days and faces challenges in describing levels of pollution in the city. Measuring air pollution is an important step in understanding risks and designing effective policies to reduce community exposure to improve public health.

Active project


Project contact

Jacqueline Senyagwa

Dar-es-salaam city

A busy highway in the Tanzanian city of Dar-es-Salaam. Photo: Lawrence Nzuve/SEI

Dar-es-Salaam City Council (DCC) is committed to achieving a sustainable, equitable and healthy future for residents. Following an air monitoring study and baseline assessment of air quality in the city, Dar es Salaam City Council plans to:

  • Establish an air quality monitoring network to enable the development of air quality targets
  • Develop a monitoring and evaluation system to evaluate the effectiveness of emissions control strategies
  • Develop public health recommendations to support government and non-government actors design appropriate measures to control ambient air pollution


The project will support Dar es Salaam City Council by creating an estimate of current baseline air pollution characteristics in the city through

a) conducting an air monitoring study and

b) reviewing existing monitoring and satellite data.

At completion, the project will create templates and frameworks applicable to other cities interested in conducting similar air pollution baseline study efforts. Lessons learned and documentation developed will be shared with other C40 and non-C40 cities in Africa to strengthen capabilities amongst city staff.

Project team

Jacquiline Senyangwa
Jacqueline Senyagwa

Research Fellow

SEI Africa

Philip Osano
Philip Osano

Centre Director

SEI Africa

Romanus Opiyo
Romanus Opiyo

Programme Leader

SEI Africa

Lawrence Nzuve

Communications Coordinator


SEI Africa

Anderson Kehbila

Programme Leader

SEI Africa

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