Explore environmental and development research with SEI’s projects.
359 projects / 4 of 40 pages
Project / SEI at the University of York is collaborating with the City of York to develop a retrofit one-stop shop to help the city achieve its net zero goals.
Project / UA-GRIDEX projekt aitab Ukrainal parandada energiasüsteemi vastupidavust ja tõhusust digitaalsete ja kohalike energialahenduste abil.
Project / This project develops a tool for AI-powered text analysis to be tested in systematic evidence synthesis reviews of research and policy papers.
Program / This programme aims to build a collaborative platform to accelerate renewable energy deployment in La Guajira.
Project / The UA-GRIDEX project assists Ukrainian energy planners in enhancing the region's energy system's resilience through decentralisation and digitalisation.
Project / SEI analiza impactos del cambio climático en sectores clave de Colombia, enfocándose en desarrollo a 2050, modelación hidrológica y efectos socioeconómicos.
Project / Colombia avanza en conservación con el proyecto GEF Orinoquia de WWF, mejorando la representatividad y conectividad ecológica en la región de la Orinoquia.
Project / BioFloati projekt katsetab ujuvsaarte kontseptsiooni kolmes Eesti ja Läti järves, et säilitada elurikkust ja taastada vee-ökosüsteeme.
Project / The BioFloat project tests the concept of floating islands in three lakes in Estonia and Latvia to preserve biodiversity and restore water ecosystems.
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