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Journal article

A targeted social marketing approach for community pro-environmental behavioural change

This article proposes a cost-effective model of community engagement, based on the authors’ experience working with community members in York, UK.

Howard Cambridge, Gary Haq, Anne Owen / Published on 30 April 2013

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Haq, G., H. Cambridge and A. Owen (2013). A targeted social marketing approach for community pro-environmental behavioural change. Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, online first 29 April 2013.

Community-level initiatives will play a key role in meeting greenhouse gas reduction targets. This paper examines the experience gained in applying a targeted social marketing approach to foster local-scale community pro-environmental behavioural change in the City of York, UK. This involved determining the neighbourhood carbon footprint, identifying residents that had access to appropriate infrastructure and were receptive to green issues.

Six community teams were recruited from the selected neighbourhoods and provided with information, advice and mentoring on how to reduce their carbon footprint over a six-month period. A statistically significant reduction in carbon emissions was achieved. Each participant achieved a mean reduction in their carbon footprint of 2.0 tonnes of CO2e/year. The largest reductions were achieved in the areas of shopping and home energy. In addition, it helped to foster community spirit.

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SEI authors

Howard Cambridge

Research Support Group Manager

SEI York

Gary Haq, Senior Research Assoicate at SEI
Gary Haq

Senior Research Associate

SEI York

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10.1080/13549839.2013.787974 Closed access
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