This brief is based on an SEI study carried out with small-scale mango farmers in Kenya. It outlines how a service design approach could help smallholder farmers adopt more effective agricultural technologies.
Increasing the uptake of preharvest, harvest and post-harvest technologies is often seen as a way to reduce losses and increase incomes in small-scale agriculture. However, there is a risk that such initiatives set too much store by the technologies, and do not sufficiently take into account the users’ motivations, preferences and constraints in relation to technologies, or the realities of the value chain.
Mapping a mango farmer’s “user journey” helps to understand their needs and choices before, during and after the harvest. Photo: SEI
This brief presents some insights into how a “service design” approach could be applied in these initiatives in order to boost uptake and improve targeting. It is based on a study carried out with small-scale mango farmers in Kenya by SEI in collaboration with Expedition Mondial, Jomo Kenyatta University and UN Women. The study was funded by Rockefeller Foundation, as part of their YieldWise Food Loss initiative.
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