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SEI brief

Evaluating Sweden’s emissions: At home and abroad

Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in Sweden rose by 1.4 per cent or 0.8 million tonnes (Mt) between 1993 and 2005. Sweden was still able to meet its target under the Kyoto Protocol, which allowed for a 4 per cent increase in emissions.

John Barrett, Anne Owen, Tommy Wiedmann, Kate Scott / Published on 6 October 2009

Barrett, J., Wiedmann, T., Paul, A., Owen, A. and Scott, K. (2009). Evaluating Sweden’s Emissions: At Home and Abroad. Policy brief. Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm

Sweden’s progress in the climate change challenge is counter-acted by the existence of an economy-wide growth effect: carbon savings through technological and organisational carbon efficiency improvements have been fully-offset by CO2 emissions arising from increased consumption.

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