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Mapping the predicted and potential impacts of metal mining and its mitigation measures in Arctic and boreal regions using environmental and social impact assessments: a systematic map protocol

A protocol for a research effort to generate a list of all possible direct and indirect effects of metal mining in the Arctic and boreal regions in Canada, Alaska (US), Greenland, the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia.

Biljana Macura, Neal Haddaway, Annika E. Nilsson / Published on 10 June 2019

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Macura, B., Haddaway, N. R., Lesser, P. and Nilsson, A. E. (2019). Mapping the predicted and potential impacts of metal mining and its mitigation measures in Arctic and boreal regions using environmental and social impact assessments: a systematic map protocol. Environmental Evidence, 8(1). 21.

The authors will:

  • conduct searches for environmental and social impact assessments in Swedish and English, and until theoretical saturation is reached (i.e. no new action-impact pathways are identified)
  • perform searches of specialist websites (e.g. public repositories of environmental and social impact assessments) and Google Scholar
  • we will also contact relevant stakeholders (that have been identified in the wider 3MK project and make a call for additional information
  • conduct eligibility screening from titles and full text
  • extract metadata from eligible studies including type of mining activity, location of mine, type of impacts, and planned mitigation measures.

The findings will be presented narratively, in a searchable relational database and in an evidence altas (a cartographic map). The authors will produce a framework of different mining impacts and related mitigation measures from practitioners’ knowledge reflected in EIAs and SIAs. This framework will further form the basis of a multiple knowledge base on mining impacts and mitigation measures generated from different knowledges including scientific, Indigenous, and practitioners’ knowledge.

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SEI authors

Biljana Macura
Biljana Macura

Senior Research Fellow and Team Lead

SEI Headquarters

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