This book distills lessons learned about integrating gender equality into agricultural development initiatives in Africa, with case studies of efforts at all levels, from households to national government.
The authors start from the premise that empowered women and men are better, more successful farmers who can make the most of the opportunities around them. They argue that there is a causal relation between more equal gender relations in the household and in the community, and better agricultural outcomes: the one underpins the other.
This is a radical thing to say, because it means that the standard development interventions – more extension services, better information, more fertilizer, better machinery – will not fully achieve their goals unless women and men are on equal footing, able to make rational economic decisions unhindered by gender norms that limit what is “appropriate” for women or for men to do, or to be.
Empowering women as decision-makers in all areas of their lives is challenging and exciting. It is a key to poverty reduction. Transforming gender relations will help to make smallholder agriculture and associated development efforts more effective and efficient, with knock-on effects for a variety of development outcomes.
Follow the links below to download the book as a single, low-resolution PDF, or as individual chapters. A limited number of print copies are also available.
Downloads (PDF):
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Front matter and foreword (1.8MB)
Chapter 1: Introduction (1.8MB)
Chapter 2: Developing Empowerment Pathways (1.8MB)
Chapter 3: Transforming the Enabling Environment (1.8MB)
Chapter 4: Capturing and Using Data on Gender (1.7MB)
Chapter 5: Household Methodologies (2.4MB)
Chapter 6 Community Empowerment (1.7MB)
Chapter 7: Land (2.4MB)
Chapter 8: Value Chains (2.5MB)
Chapter 9: ‘Climate-Smart’ Agriculture and Beyond (2.1MB)
Conclusion and Bibliography (1.4MB)
Full book as low-res PDF (3.1MB)
Full book as high-res PDF (44MB)
This book was produced and published by the Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative (SIANI), which is hosted by SEI. The project was financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida. Sida does not necessarily share the views expressed in this material. Responsibility for its contents rests entirely with the authors.
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