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Media engagement training for researchers

AgriFoSe2030 and SIANI have partnered to host a media engagement training to equip researchers in field of agriculture and food systems, with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively communicate their research findings to diverse audiences through various media channels.

The training aims to enhance the researchers’ ability to bridge the gap between scientific-based knowledge and public understanding, fostering increased awareness, engagement and impact.

11 March 2024 at 09:00 CET

ending at 12:00 CET

Online only

This training is specifically designed for researchers, scientists, and experts in food systems and agriculture. It caters to individuals seeking to enhance their capacity to communicate complex scientific information to non-specialist audiences through media platforms.

The training will be conducted through a 3-hour interactive session coupled with practical exercises. Experts in media relations and communication will share insights and provide hands-on guidance. The training will be delivered in a virtual format, ensuring accessibility for all.


09:00–09:05 Welcome and brief overview of workshop objectives

09:05–09:30 Why science communication matters

09:30–10:00 Practical communication skills

10:00–10:30 Crafting compelling content

    • Thin Lei Win, freelance journalist specializing in food and climate issues

10:30 – 10:35  Break

10:35–11:00 Engaging with media outlets

11:00–11:30 Social media strategies

11:30–12:00 Closing and Q&A

SEI participants

Selorm Kugbega
Selorm Kugbega

Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Ulrika Lamberth
Ulrika Lamberth

Senior Press Officer


SEI Headquarters

Molly Burd
Molly Burd

Communications Project Manager


SEI Headquarters

The AgriFoSe2030 programme is hosted by a consortium of researchers from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Lund University, Linköping University and Stockholm Environment Institute. The programme is funded by the Swedish International Development Agency.

SIANI | Swedish International Agriculture Network InitiativeThe Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative – SIANI – is a global, open and inclusive network that supports and promotes multisector dialogue and action around our vision of sustainable, rights-based and inclusive food systems.

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